Posted: Feb 19 2013 at 3:30pm | Views: 20848
It's not about having the "perfect world". Its about getting Security to stop harassing innocent tenants that cause NO trouble, and Management to stop being so crappy at their marketing and business practices. All that good tenants like me want to do is LIVE IN PEACE, not be harassed over some dumb bullsh**. The time that they are taking to harass innocent people for nothing they could use that same energy and direct it toward those who are REALLY doing illegal stuff. But they don't. That's the type of environment I'm living in, and it's a shame because now I have to relocate after being here 10 years.
Posted: Feb 19 2013 at 3:26pm | Views: 20848
You made the BEST decision of your life.
Posted: May 19 2008 at 2:03pm | Views: 20848
Well-said, TamaraOli26.
People who want a perfect world need to catsh some zzzzzzzz...s and dream about it (LOL).
Posted: May 16 2008 at 10:18pm | Views: 20848
I would like to know where in New York City the parking is not a big issue. We live in the city of 8 milliom people of course parking is going to be a nightmare, everywhere.
If you want to have a space for you go the the garage.
Sometimes I feel like people is asking for too much.
Honestly I feel Parkchester is great!!! It's beautiful, clean, nice people, nice atmosphere. When I first move in I was a little bit insecure about security, but now I feel safe at all times. I'm planning to get my car this summer and I've been looking for the prices in the garages and I feel they are fine. In my old neighborhood (Washington Heights) the price was $400.00. So here is just fine!!
Posted: May 06 2008 at 12:36pm | Views: 20848
Originally posted by rambo
Finding parking is progressively getting worse for everybody - everywhere.
You got to weigh the pros & cons for any area you might be considering moving to. If parking is that terrible is there a postivite or two that might balance things out.
Just a thought.
Posted: May 06 2008 at 12:35pm | Views: 20848
Finding parking is progressively getting worse for everybody - everywhere.
You got to weigh the pros & cons for any area you might be considering moving to. If parking is that terrible is their a postivite or two that might balance things out.
Just a thought.
Guest Group
Posted: May 05 2008 at 10:28am | Views: 20848
WOW !!!! I was reading alot of things about Parkchester.
The parking situation is crazy. Why do tenants have
to pay so much for parking. I was planning to move
to Parkchester, but now I am not.