Guest Group
Posted: May 04 2020 at 10:53pm | Views: 15744
30 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits and not all of them are receiving benefits. 60,000 have died, and a majority of Parkchester tenants are elderly.
In the middle of a global pandemic, where people are losing their source of income, why isn't Parkchester allowing tenants to use their security deposits towards the rent? As well as still charging late fees...?
I've contacted the mayors and governors offices about how uncooperative this management company is being in the midst of a global crisis. The security deposit's belong to the tenants, that's their money, and would assure the tenant gets some relief and that Parkchester gets paid something rather than no rent at all.
I think Parkchester is corrupt, they're trying to scheme their tenants into having to pay full months rent, without financial help, as well as owe/pay the late fees that accrue from late payments.
Guest Group
Posted: Apr 05 2020 at 4:43pm | Views: 15744
Parkchester Rent freeze for parkchester residents in north and south