You're replying to: Parkchester North Condominium Concern |
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Topic: Parkchester North Condominium Concern Posted: Jan 27 2015 at 11:31am By Dina H. |
Posting this letter was a good move if you want something done.However, you should have made it clear which building you are referring to. Also, this should have also been printed out and sent to Management's office and send a copy to the Board President and each member, if necessary. You should send it Return Receipt Requested. That way you will know that this message was received. Lastly, after you have received the proof that the letter was received start calling. I have worked in the North Condominium's office. The people that work there take their jobs seriously. I also live in Parkchester. As a resident, I made sure concerns like this had the Board and Mr. Tucci's attention. Tenants like you keep Parkchester a nice place to live. You also might want to consider being a member of the Board. This is what I would do. All the best.
Dina |