In Parkchester, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop the noise around here because their Security Department are too damn lazy to search for the apartment in the building that is actually making the noise. Trust me, I've called them before and when the Security came to my apt and I told them about the noise, they heard the noise, but then the dumbass was afraid that he'd be going to "the wrong apt" and accuse them of the noise. So basically, the fat f**k was too damn lazy to run downstairs and do the work by searching for the noise on his own. I'm not sure who is "training" these security "officers" here in Parkchester, but whoever is training them, they aren't doing a very good job. Security does not do their job, so don't expect them to stop the noise, because they will continue letting tenants get away with it. Parkchester Security harasses the tenants that are quiet and don't do anything wrong. Something to think about. By the way, I'm moving out soon. Been here 10 years too. Time to go.