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Printed From: Parkchester Information Network
Category: * FEEDBACK
Forum Name: Parkchester Problems
Forum Description: Parkchester Problems
Printed Date: Jan 10 2025 at 1:24pm

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Mar 27 2008 at 1:17pm

At this point I am grieving the death of my brother in law and I am angry that in all the archives I have yet to hear anyone complain about the guns.  The death of my brother in law was not the first incident of gun violence there has been many more but this one hit home.  My sons last summer August 2007 witnessed for the first time gun presence in the park in the South. I rarely would let them go outside because the kids have gotten wilder and have little to no respect.   It was a mid sunny Sunday afternoon and there was security presence but they were busy talking amongest themselves and timing the cars that were parked illegally due to the lack of parking spaces.  The harassment the tickets issued for parking.  I remember that kids who walked the streets alone were stopped and asked questions.  Tickets were handed out for unruly conduct, walking a dog, riding your bike on the sidewalk.  Parkchester safe unless you spend minmumal time in the area then it may be.  I was applaud when my neighbor started abusing illicit drugs and the fumes we so potent that I myself had to move my family out.  When I reported this to Parkchester Mgmt they said they could not do nothing its within their home.  Only if it disturbs others quality of life.  Really well I was getting sick but they suggested to call the police.  The police said that that was an issue for Parkchester.  No one cares no one wants to do more.  Our children are in jeopardy, parents are working longer hours and the attitude is ust OH WELL.  This same attitude took my brother in laws life--since when does a verbal dispute lead to a death. 

On a separate note last year June a HS kid gets shot in the head the day before his graduation because he refused to join a gang.  How many more deaths, how many more families are going to grieve, when are those who get paid to secure or protect really going to do their jobs.  When is Parkchester going to start and build the big recreation center for these children.  When are adults going to be civil and not be spiteful and damage other peoples vechiles due to limited parking spaces.  Parkchester has these reports why haven't they really acted upon this issues.  The list can go on but enough of  raising the problems and saying I know it is about time SOMETHING IS DONE!  Remove yourself from positions if you are not planning to be a solution!

Posted By: jorechio
Date Posted: Apr 16 2008 at 11:46pm
Sorry for the loss. 

Parkchester needs help and it will take a stronger board of dedicated people, hopefully long-term residents, who know and really care about the area.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Oct 09 2008 at 1:16pm
I live in parkchester now and i definately agree with your comments i wish the comunity could get together and do more about this problems there is so many employees that dont like their jobs like if things weren't hard enough to not appreciate their jobs i hate seen that majority of the people that work for parkchester are so damn lazy that if you ask them a question they tell you i don't know is not my department just so that they don't move their lazy selfs and do something where are the supervisors and all this people that are suppose to mannage this things i saw a guard smoking weed the other day and he dissapear in 5 minutes it is ridiculuos that things like that happen we are paying maintenance fees for this people to get pay and do nothing when is managment going to step up and do something about it.

Posted By: Jigsaw1031
Date Posted: Oct 16 2008 at 3:27pm
I definitely agree with your complain and my prayer goes to you. However, I am not sure if its me but do you notice that most of the security guards hang out with the thugs or even speak to them? Doesn't that strike you as somewhat strange or "crooked"? I mostly see these kind of activities in the North my question is "What on earth do these guards do any way"?  I think no matter how much we complain to these board managers or the office at east tremont, nothing can get done. I am not sure what's happening to parkchester but I feel that our safety is not secure by these so called "security guards".

Posted By: jorechio
Date Posted: Nov 07 2008 at 1:59am
I just posted about a shooting on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 in Parkchester.

For your convenience, I posted the article on this website in the" target="_top" rel="follow - "news" section." target="_top" rel="follow -

Posted By: ACCP
Date Posted: Nov 07 2008 at 3:37am
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. 
I am fortunate that I live in a nice building with never nice neighbors and very few children.  I have to agree with you.  parents are not controlling their children.  I see them out at all hours of the night.  and for the most part, the security stinks.
I have seen the guards watch people walking dogs (last I heard pets were not allowed), loitering and riding bikes.  I was almost hit by a delivery guy on a bike last week by the Bank of America.  A guard was standing right there.
They really need to hire a new company (one that hires retired NYPD).
What I can suggest is that if you have a digital camera, take a photo of the things you see wrong and post them.  Embarrass them into action.  I carry my camera everywhere and that's what I'm going to start doing.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Nov 09 2008 at 11:05am
Does anyone realize that the security guards do not carry guns, while atleast 85 % of teenagers are carrying guns. Not defending the laziness that anyone has observed but i did ask a member of the board, why would you have your officer patrol the area and call them selfs public safety if they wouldnt be able to defend any person of the public if a true tragedy occurs. His response was it a matter of insurance, wow where does all that rent and condo owner mortgage money go? I would  consider arming and better training the officers an investment as i own my condo. I want to know that when Nypd is out dealing with external issues, my family could be safe with the patrol we have internally. Honestly i dont really blame anyone who is a bit reserved to deal with these gun totting thugs. They have families to go home to im sure. Why is Co op city a tad bit safer than Parkchester? Maybe because the in house officers have fire arms which in this day and age commends the respect of these teens and criminals. Everyones always bashing the security force, but i have seen them on numerous occasions clearing groups of twenty plus teens that disrespect the community we live in and call home. If you want to feel safer, Why not lobby for better training and possibly arming our security force? Or is it easier to complain here? Would you wrestle with some of these drug dealing thugs? i think not and you cannot bring pepper spray to a gun fight people. Stop being selfish minded and put yourself in a different mind frame.Clap

Posted By: rambo
Date Posted: Nov 10 2008 at 2:26pm
Originally posted by ACCP

They really need to hire a new company (one that hires retired NYPD).
What I can suggest is that if you have a digital camera, take a photo of the things you see wrong and post them.  Embarrass them into action.  I carry my camera everywhere and that's what I'm going to start doing.
Both ideas could galvanize change around here.   

Posted By: rambo
Date Posted: Nov 10 2008 at 2:33pm
Originally posted by 2008 reality

Does anyone realize that the security guards do not carry guns, while atleast 85 % of teenagers are carrying guns. Not defending the laziness that anyone has observed but i did ask a member of the board, why would you have your officer patrol the area and call them selfs public safety if they wouldnt be able to defend any person of the public if a true tragedy occurs.
True.  Good observations.
Originally posted by 2008 reality

His response was it a matter of insurance, wow where does all that rent and condo owner mortgage money go? I would  consider arming and better training the officers an investment as i own my condo. I want to know that when Nypd is out dealing with external issues, my family could be safe with the patrol we have internally. Honestly i dont really blame anyone who is a bit reserved to deal with these gun totting thugs. They have families to go home to im sure. Why is Co op city a tad bit safer than Parkchester? Maybe because the in house officers have fire arms which in this day and age commends the respect of these teens and criminals. Everyones always bashing the security force, but i have seen them on numerous occasions clearing groups of twenty plus teens that disrespect the community we live in and call home. If you want to feel safer, Why not lobby for better training and possibly arming our security force? Or is it easier to complain here? Would you wrestle with some of these drug dealing thugs? i think not and you cannot bring pepper spray to a gun fight people. Stop being selfish minded and put yourself in a different mind frame.Clap
Providing safety in housing is a precarious job that often requires armed personnel. TO DO THE JOB PROPERLY THAT IS.  Hopefully these security officers - once armed - won't  enforce their job with thug mentalities. Someting to think about as well.

Posted By: movingout2013
Date Posted: Feb 19 2013 at 3:24pm
Yes, they really do hang out with them, some of them even hang out with the drug dealers that live here too. Now yall see why I wouldn't raise kids here, Parkchester is not a safe haven for kids. Their security department are so crooked, they make the premises even more unsafe.

I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I moved in this dump, but I am definitely getting out this year I'll tell you that. Getting rid of my cable services and putting some school programs on hold just so I can save up and get out of here by or before June 2013.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Feb 23 2014 at 5:53am
Parkchester security are very disrespectful to the people that live here, thank god they don't carry guns they would be killing us.

The Parkchester board needs to control them, they a bunch off under educated fools that think they are cops.

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